Devon Digital Accelerator
Change management support to Devon's NHS Digital Accelerator programme for Primary Care
We provided a change management programme and research evaluation, as learning reports, to the Devon NHS STP, to support rapid implementation of the online consultation digital service transformation.
The project went on to provide support to the national change programme during COVID. The project is nominated for multiple awards.
Attempts to implement online consultation within Primary Care in recent years has seen varying degrees of success. Devon CCG and STP made the decision to support a pilot group of practices through implementation to better understand the change process, to identify the learning throughout the process, and evaluate the effects of the change on the people and practices involved.
Our Response
In partnership with the Devon STP project manager, we created a change management programme responsive to the needs of the people and practices in the project during the 18 months of initial implementation and change.
This was distilled into a blueprint to support rapid implementation of online consultation for primary care to enable the response to Covid19.